Manage Drivers on Edge Gateway

Last Updated on : 2024-06-20 07:22:55download

This topic describes how to download and manage drivers for Tuya Edge Gateway (TEdge). A Modbus driver is used in the following example.


The edge gateway is installed and activated. For more information, see Deploy and Activate Tuya Edge Gateway.

Download a driver

Download a Modbus driver

Download the official driver and package the files for installation (x86/Armv7).


  • The earlier files are overwritten after you run the Docker save command.
  • The files must be in the .tar format when they are saved with the Docker save command.
  1. Download an image.

     docker pull tuya/tedge-modbus-driver:latest
  2. Package the image.

    docker save tuya/tedge-modbus-driver:latest > \

Add a driver library

This section describes how to add a Modbus driver.

  1. Log in to Tuya Edge Gateway. In the left-side navigation, choose Driver Settings > Driver Libraries and click Create. In the dialog box that appears, select the required driver file from the Driver File drop-down list.

  2. Download the Modbus configuration template and upload the configuration file. You do not need to modify the template in this example.

    Manage Drivers on Edge Gateway

Add a driver instance

This section describes how to add a Modbus driver instance.

  1. In the left-side navigation, choose Driver Settings > Driver Instances and click Create. In the dialog box that appears, search the driver library by name. Fuzzy matching is supported. Create a driver instance.

    Manage Drivers on Edge Gateway

  2. On the list of driver instances, click Stopped next to the newly created driver instance to run the driver.

    Manage Drivers on Edge Gateway