Hardware Development

Last Updated on : 2024-05-29 04:27:51download

Tuya Developer Platform provides multiple approaches to device connectivity for different scenarios. Hardware-based connectivity is implemented with TuyaOS or MCU integration protocol derived from TuyaOS. Be sure to review the following sections to familiarize yourself with the development process.

The original Self-Developed Module SDK and Tuya Standard Module SDK are merged into TuyaOS.

Development process

The following steps describe the general development process, which may vary by development method.

  1. Create a smart product. See Create Products for details. Choose Custom Solution when you select a solution.

    Alternatively, on the Product Development page, find a product and click Develop to enter the product development process.

  2. Under the Hardware Development tab:

    • Select the suitable Cloud Access Mode.

    • Select the Cloud Access hardware based on your needs.

    • In the Download Documents section, check the documentation and development resources.

Cloud access mode

The cloud access mode, also known as the development method, refers to the approach used for developing firmware that enables cloud connectivity. Three development methods are available: TuyaOS, MCU standard protocol, and gateway connectivity.

Click the links in the table below to learn more about the development mode and its development process.

Development method Feature
TuyaOS Backed by the TuyaOS kernel and various development components, TuyaOS is designed to tackle the heterogeneity of platforms, systems, protocols, and applications in order to enable quick and reliable integration, interconnection, interoperability, and compliance.
MCU SDK Connect your device to the cloud using the MCU SDK and Tuya standard module. To enable bidirectional communication between the device and the cloud, you simply need to adapt the protocol on the MCU side with a small amount of code, without worrying about the intricacies of communication protocols. This allows you to focus more on innovating applications.
Gateway connectivity Connect sub-devices to Tuya-enabled gateways and therefore to the Tuya platform. This enables access to Tuya’s all-around cloud features, gateway-based local automation, and extensive device ecosystem.

Manage firmware

After completing the hardware development process, you can select and manage firmware for your product. For more information, see Select and Manage Firmware Versions.