Manage App Users

Last Updated on : 2024-06-20 04:19:44download

This topic describes how to manage app users in smart data operations.

Recommended segments

Recommended segments are user group profiles that Tuya has sorted out for you based on years of experience in the IoT industry. You can check the segment information and perform operations.

You can use recommended segments, but cannot edit them. The number of users in a segment is daily updated based on the data of the previous day. You can use the latest data for operations.

Manage App Users

Segment classification

Segment name Description
All users who have accepted marketing All users of the app who have authorized the platform.
Users who might return products Users who have a low success rate of pairing or have given much feedback on issues in the last 90 days.
Newly registered users in 30 days Users who registered in the last 30 days.
Registered users without devices Users who registered in the last 30 days but have no devices
Users in silence stage Users who have added one or more devices but have not used the app for more than 7 days and less than 30 days.
Users in churn stage Users who have added one or more devices but have not used the app for more than 30 days.
Users with gateways Users who have gateways.
Users who prefer the in-app mall Users who have browsed products, added products to the cart or favorites, or purchased products in the app mall in the last 30 days.
Users who give feedback on issues quite often Users who have given feedback twice on issues.
Very satisfied users Users who have been active and not given any feedback on issues in the last 30 days.

Custom segments

If the recommended segments cannot meet your needs, you can create a custom segment.

You can filter and get your custom segments by the combination of logical AND and logical OR. Also, you can export and use them for operations.

Create a custom segment


You have at least one Tuya-enabled OEM app or an app developed based on the Smart App SDK.


  1. Log in to the Tuya Developer Platform.

  2. Choose Operation > App Operation > Intelligent Operation and click New Segment.

  3. Set up labels and behavioral conditions for the segment.

    Manage App Users

Filter by label

Click + Label and choose the desired label from the drop-down list. Set up the filter criteria, for example, Basis Information > Country/Region (in English) > Equal to > China.

Manage App Users

Filter by behavior

Click + Behavior and set up the filter criteria. The filter criteria comprise the time range, event, metric, and determination method. For example, the last 1 day > Has executed > Home page/Device card click > Number of times ≥ 1.

Manage App Users

Relationship between multiple criteria

The following figure shows an example of a typical complex segment:

Manage App Users

The logical association is as follows:

  • (a OR b) AND (c OR d OR e) AND (F).
  • (a OR c), (c OR d OR e), and (F) is respectively a group of criteria. Logical OR is used to correlate criteria within a group, and logical AND is used to correlate different groups.
  • You can use +AND to add a group and use OR to correlate criteria within a group.

User labels

The following table lists the categories, names, and descriptions of labels. You can get to know the meaning and usage of each label.

Label category Label name Description
Basic information Country/Region (in Chinese) According to the home location, analyze and determine the country or region where the user is located. The name is displayed in Chinese.
City (in Chinese) According to the home location, analyze and determine the city where the user is located. The name is displayed in Chinese.
Country/Region (in English) According to the home location, analyze and determine the country or region where the user is located. The name is displayed in English.
City (in English) According to the home location, analyze and determine the city where the user is located. The name is displayed in English.
User type Indicate whether the user is registered or not. The enumeration values include guests, registered users, and deleted users.
Platform The platform used by the user in the last 180 days. The value is Unknown for an inactive user and Others for other platforms.
App version The app version used by the user in the last 180 days. The value is NA for an inactive user and Others for other versions.
Phone model The mobile phone model used by the user in the last 180 days. The value is NA for an inactive user and Others for other phone models. The real model of a mobile phone is used, rather than the marketing name. For example, Huawei Mate 30 is a marketing name and its real model is TAS-AL00.
Have email Indicate whether the user has entered an email address.
Have phone number Indicate whether the user has entered a mobile phone number.
Registration time The time when the user was registered.
Registration method The method by which the user is registered.
Accept marketing Indicate whether the user has accepted marketing.
User behavior Active days in the last 30 days The number of active days in the last 30 days.
Last active time The last active time in the last 180 days.
Average daily voice control usage in the last 30 days The daily average number of times voice-enabled devices have been used in the last 30 days.
Average daily control panel taps in the last 30 days The daily average number of times the panel has been used to operate the devices in the last 30 days.
Have gateway Indicate whether a gateway exists in the level-2 category among the devices that are used by or shared with the user.
Have IP camera Indicate whether an IP camera exists in the level-2 category among the devices that are used by or shared with the user.
Have smart lock Indicate whether a smart lock exists in the level-2 category among the devices that are used by or shared with the user.
Have smart speaker Indicate whether a smart speaker exists in the level-2 category among the devices that are used by or shared with the user.
Have control panel Indicate whether a control panel exists in the level-2 category among the devices that are used by or shared with the user.
Number of bound devices The number of devices that have been paired by the user. Devices shared with the user are excluded.
Pairing success rate in the last 90 days The percentage of successful pairing operations in the total pairing operations in the last 90 days. The values include high, medium, and low. If no pairing operations are performed in the last 90 days, the user is labeled as unpaired.
Subscribe to value-added services Indicate whether the user has subscribed to value-added services.
Total number of placed orders The total number of placed orders for all value-added services.
Total amount of placed orders The total amount of placed orders for all value-added services.
Total number of completed orders The total number of completed orders for all value-added services.
Total amount of completed orders The total amount of completed orders for all value-added services.
Purchase cloud storage for videos Indicate whether the user has purchased a cloud storage service for videos.
Expiration time of cloud storage Indicate the time when the cloud storage service expires.
Renew cloud storage Indicate whether the user has renewed the cloud storage service.
Number of feedback records on issues The total number of feedback records on issues submitted by the user.
Percentage of positive reviews The percentage of positive reviews in the total reviews.
Percentage of resolved issues The percentage of resolved issues in the total issues.
Mall behavior Enter a delivery address Indicate whether the user has entered a delivery address in the in-app mall.
Time of the last visit to the mall The time of the last visit to the in-app mall in the last 180 days.
Activity of the in-app mall Calculate four behaviors in the in-app mall in the last 30 days, including browsing, taps on items, adding to favorites, and adding to cart, with the weight of each metric being 10%, 20%, 30%, and 40% respectively.
Number of visit days in the last 30 days Count the number of days users have visited items in the in-app mall in the last 30 days.
Receive a coupon in the last 180 days Indicate whether the user received a coupon in the last 180 days.
Receive a coupon Indicate whether the user has received a coupon up to now.
Number of unused coupons The number of unused coupons.
Number of items in the cart The number of items that are displayed in the cart.
Have unpaid orders Indicate whether the user has unpaid orders.
Number of items ordered in the last 180 days Count the total number of items ordered by users in the last 180 days.
Amount of items ordered in the last 180 days Calculate the total transaction amount of items ordered by users in the last 180 days.
Number of items transacted in the last 180 days Count the total number of items paid by users in the last 180 days.
Number of items transacted in the last 180 days Count the total transaction amount of items paid by the user in the last 180 days.
User value Lifecycle Indicate which lifecycle the user is in based on the user's activity and bound devices. The enumeration values include the novice stage, the growth stage, the silence stage, and the churn stage (the same as the data analytics service).
User distribution According to the number of devices owned by the user, the enumeration values include elementary, intermediate, and advanced (the same as the data analytics service).

User behaviors

Event category Event name Event description
Register and login Get verification code Tap Get Verification Code on the registration page.
Did not receive verification code Tap Did not receive verification code on the verification code input page.
Resend code Tap Resend code on the verification code input page.
Password input page > login Logged in successfully.
Login page > Other ways to login Logged in with other ways.
Log in with mobile number Logged in with a mobile phone number.
Personal privacy settings page > Tap to enter the app Check the privacy setting option and enter the app.
Complete account information > get verification code Tap Get verification code on the account information page.
Homepage Page view It is triggered when an in-app page is displayed.
Device card exposure It is triggered when a homepage device card is displayed on the screen.
Device card tap
  • It is triggered when a user taps a device card to enter the panel.
  • It is triggered when a user taps the shortcut button of a device card.
  • It is triggered when a user taps to unfold the shortcut operation of a device card.
  • Home > Edit pop-up window > Room management Tap room management. Room management
    Home > Room management > Add a room Tap Add Room from the drop-down list of room management on the homepage.
    Home > Room management > Add room successfully A room is added on the page of room management.
    Device pairing Home > Add a device Tap Add Device in the top right corner of the homepage.
    Device pairing > Start device pairing Enter the pairing process.
    Enter the device pairing timeout page The event is triggered in case of pairing timeout.
    Me > Scan Tap Scan on the Me page.
    End of device pairing process The pairing process is ended when the pairing is successful or failed.
    Device Device edit page > Edit Tap Edit Device on the device editing page.
    Confirm device rename and tap to report Tap Confirm after a device is renamed.
    Home > Device management > Remove a device Tap and hold a device on the homepage to enter the device management page, and tap Remove Device.
    Device details > Panel > Remove a device On the device panel page, tap the top-right corner to enter the device edit page, and then tap Remove Device.
    Smart Smart scene homepage > Scene > Report visit Visit the smart scene page.
    Scene > Automation tab On the smart scene page, tap Automation.
    Scene > Tap-to-run tab On the smart scene page, tap Tap-to-run.
    Scene > Create smart scene On the smart scene page, tap Create Scene.
    Scene > Smart scene executed successfully On the smart scene page, tap and trigger tap-to-run scenes.
    Scene > Scene created successfully Create a smart scene.
    Scene > Disable smart scene Tap to disable a smart scene.
    Scene > Edit scene Tap to edit a smart scene.
    Smart > Log > View Tap to enter a list of scene running logs.
    Smart > Enter the scene management page Tap to enter the scene management page.
    Tap OK to delete a smart scene Tap OK to delete a smart scene.
    Tap the Voice Control button Tap the Voice Control button to enter the voice control mode.
    Me Me > Enter personal center page Visit the Me page.
    Me > Enter the settings page Tap Settings on the Me page.
    Me > Third-party voice services Tap Third-Party Voice Services on the Me page.
    Me > More third-party voice services Tap More Third-Party Voice Services on the Me page.
    FAQ & Feedback Online customer service > Chat window Enter the chat window of online customer service.
    Online customer service > Chat window > Satisfied Tap Satisfied when a user submits an evaluation on the chat window.
    Online customer service > Chat window > Dissatisfied Tap Dissatisfied when a user submits an evaluation on the chat window.
    Online customer service > Chat window > Fair Tap Fair when a user submits an evaluation on the chat window.
    FAQ & Feedback > FAQ Tap FAQ on the FAQ & Feedback page.
    FAQ & Feedback > Contact customer service Tap Contact Customer Service on the FAQ & Feedback page.