Common Function Components

Last Updated on : 2024-06-21 08:40:13download

Common function components are classified into Boolean components, integer components, and enumeration components based on the associated data points (DPs). The function components can also be used for the display or control purpose to achieve the required interaction effect.


Each visualized function component is a UI component that encapsulates specific logic programs. Each component is associated with a specific DP. You can drag the component to the panel in the canvas to apply the component.

Component types

Common function components are classified into Boolean components, integer components, and enumeration components based on the associated DPs. Both standard DPs and custom DPs can be associated with Boolean components.

Note: Different components are listed in the left-side navigation pane. The Function components are associated with enumeration DPs, integer DPs, and Boolean DPs for the current product ID (PID). Standard and custom DPs are included. Multiple components are available for each DP.

  • Boolean components Common Function Components
  • Integer components Common Function Components
  • Enumeration components Common Function Components


Note: Each component is associated with a specific DP. You can drag the component to the canvas of the panel to support the DP. For example, you can drag the component that is associated with the Mode DP to the canvas. Then, the component on the panel supports the Mode DP.

Common Function Components

  • Common function components of character and raw DPs are not provided in the Panel Studio. If custom functions of character and raw types are created, common function components are not available.
  • If custom functions of Boolean, integer, or enumeration type are created, common function components can be used.
  • The components can also be classified into display and control components based on different interaction effects.
    • Display components are used to show operation content, but cannot control functions. For example, the current temperature component only shows the current temperature.
    • Control components are used to enable specific interactions. For example, a switch button is used to switch on or off a product.