Tuya Store and Account Authorization

Last Updated on : 2022-03-01 10:03:53download

The account with the registration of Tuya store has the role of store manager that has the right of store role authorization, product release, and store setting and decoration.

Note: You must register the store with an account that has a created product (PID). You cannot release products (PID) that have not been created under a registered account.

The role of store manager

After a store is opened, the store manager can select products (PID) in the Seller Center to edit and release as shown below.

Note: For more information about the process of opening a store, see Online Store Registration and Management Guidance.
Tuya Store and Account Authorization

According to the status of the IoT account, you can get the role of the store manager and release products in the following three ways:

  • A product is already created under the account
    You have the right as a store manager. You can edit and release products in the seller center.

  • No product is created under the account
    If you are an operation or sales staff and you have not created any products under your personal account. (Smart products created and developed on the Tuya IoT Platform), it is recommended to register a store under the account of the product (PID) owner and grant your account the corresponding role (For example, the role of store manager) to manage the store such as product release and store decoration.

  • A store registered under a new account
    If you need to release products under a new store, it is recommended to migrate or copy the products from the original account to the new account, and then register a new store under the new account, and thus you can automatically get the role of the store manager to release the products.

Grant the role of store manager

After the store is opened under the store manager account, you can follow the steps below to grant the role of the store manager to other accounts.

  1. In the Seller Center, click Store > Store Authorization in the left menu bar.

    Tuya Store and Account Authorization

  2. Click Add authorization, enter the information of the Authorized account in the pop-up window, select the Authorized role, add Remarks (optional), and click OK to complete.

    Note: Currently, you can only select the Store manager which has all the permissions of the store backstage.

    Tuya Store and Account Authorization

  3. After the authorization is completed, the authorized account can enter the Seller Center to perform operations such as store setting and product release.

    Note: If the authorized account has its own store, you must enter the authorizer’s store or switch the store space.

    Tuya Store and Account Authorization

Enterprise certification

It is recommended that you follow the guide to complete enterprise certification timely after a store is opened. Currently, the store account does not require enterprise certification, but the enterprise certification for the store manager’s account is conducive to the long-term development of your store on the platform. And you can also quickly retrieve the store if your enterprise name is occupied by another account.