Use Voice Platform

Last Updated on : 2024-06-24 10:04:08download

The ready-to-use voice solutions provide predefined voice capabilities that best suit your product features. You can also edit them or add custom voice capabilities. This topic describes how to use the voice platform.

Integrate with voice assistants

  1. Go to the Voice Integration module on the Tuya Developer Platform. The page that appears displays the voice assistants available for integration and the integration progress.

    Use Voice Platform
  2. (Optional) You can click Change Product to switch between products from the drop-down list.

    Use Voice Platform

    If you do not find the target product, you can search by PID or product name.

Step 1: Configure solution

The first version of a voice solution comes with predefined voice capabilities specific to your product.

Select category defined in target voice platform

The platform matches the product category to that defined in your target voice platform. If the category is not automatically matched, you need to manually select the category.

Use Voice Platform

Configure voice features

The platform recommends voice features based on the data points (DPs) of your product. To add a voice feature, click Add Feature. On the Add Capability page, select the required voice capability and click Configure to edit a capability.

Use Voice Platform

Use Voice Platform

Select recommended voice features

The platform recommends the popular voice features specific to your product. You can hover over the recommended voice features to view details and select them as needed.

Use Voice Platform

Use Voice Platform

(Optional) If you do not find the desired voice capability, click Add Feature and choose Advanced Custom Capability. Three capability types are supported, toggle, mode, and range. For more information, see Set Custom Capability.

Use Voice Platform

You can also choose the predefined Advanced Custom Capability for a quick configuration.

Use Voice Platform

(Optional) If your product has multiple feature sets, you can split the category for a separate configuration. For example, a ceiling fan light can be split into fan and light. For more information, see Split Voice Solution.

Use Voice Platform

Step 2: Try solution

  1. Click Configure Now to add an account for voice solution testing. Up to three accounts can be added.

  2. Then, scan the QR code to download the mobile app of the voice platform. If your phone already has the required app installed, you can ignore this step.

  3. Try out the voice control by using the app. For more information, see Voice Integration FAQs.

    Use Voice Platform

Step 3: Release solution

You must activate the voice solution to make the voice assistant integration take effect.

  • If your voice solution is not activated, click Subscribe Now to purchase the service.

  • If you want to get certified by the voice platform, click Get Certified to purchase the service.

    Use Voice Platform

Voice solution version

Choose a voice platform on the homepage of the voice platform. View and edit the released version of the voice solution associated with this voice platform.

Use Voice Platform