Device Connection Using MQTT.fx

Last Updated on : 2024-06-20 04:33:07download

This topic describes how to connect a device to the Tuya Developer Platform over MQTT, using the software MQTT.fx as an example.


Log in to the Tuya Developer Platform and create a product to get the following parameters. For more information about the detailed processes of product creation, see Create Products.

Device Connection Using MQTT.fx Device Connection Using MQTT.fx
Parameter Description
ProductID The product ID.
DeviceID The device ID that is used for cloud authentication and communication.
DeviceSecret The device secret that is used for cloud authentication and communication.


MQTT.fx configuration

  1. Download the MQTT.fx software from its official website.

  2. Open MQTT.fx. Click Extras and choose Edit Connection Profiles.

    Device Connection Using MQTT.fx
  3. Complete the required information on the Edit Connection Profiles page.

    Device Connection Using MQTT.fx
    Parameter Description
    Profile Name Enter a custom name.
    Profile Type Select MQTT Broker as the connection mode.
    Broker Address Enter an endpoint specified in the MQTT protocol. For example, shown in the screenshot.
    Broker Port Enter a port number. Set this parameter to 8883.
    Client ID Enter a value in the format tuyalink_{$deviceid}. deviceid is specified in the MQTT protocol.
    General Use the default value.
  4. Complete the required information on the User Credentials page.

    Device Connection Using MQTT.fx
    Parameter Description
    User Name ${deviceId}|signMethod=hmacSha256,timestamp=${10-digit current timestamp},secureMode=1,accessType=1
    For example, 6c828cba434ff40c074wF2|signMethod=hmacSha256,timestamp=1607837283,secureMode=1,accessType=1
    Password hmacSha256(content, deviceSecret)
    The plaintext of content is a string concatenated with deviceId, timestamp, secureMode, and accessType in sequence.
    For example, content is made of deviceId=6c828cba434ff40c074wF2, timestamp=1607635284, secureMode=1, accessType=1 The password is a 64-character hexadecimal value. Pad the left-most bits with zero if necessary.
    • The DeviceID and DeviceSercet are generated after you register a device. For more information, see Prerequisites.

    • Password: Open the online Python environment. Copy the code below, replace DeviceID and DeviceSecret with your own values, and then run it to obtain the result.

      # Get device information from the Tuya Developer Platform.
      DeviceID = '6cae4****b285b5t0d2'
      DeviceSecret = 'f9df8***bbaddc941'
      # Default settings
      Port = 8883
      # Calculate Client ID
      ClientID = 'tuyalink_'+DeviceID
      # Calculate user name
      import time
      T = int(time.time())
      UserName= f'''{DeviceID}|signMethod=hmacSha256,timestamp={T},secureMode=1,accessType=1'''
      # Calculate password
      import hmac
      from hashlib import sha256
      data = f'''deviceId={DeviceID},timestamp={T},secureMode=1,accessType=1'''.encode('utf-8')  # Encrypted data
      appsecret = DeviceSecret.encode('utf-8')  # Secret key
      Password =, data, digestmod=sha256).hexdigest()
      # Print the parameters required for connecting to MQTT.
      print('Client ID: ',ClientID)
      print('Server address: ',Address)
      print('Port: ',Port)
      print('*Username: ',UserName)
      print('*Password: ',Password)
      print('SSL/TLS: true\nCertificate type: CA signed server\nSSL secure: Enable')
  5. Click SSL/TLS, select Enable SSL/TLS, and set Protocol to TLSv1.2.

    Device Connection Using MQTT.fx
  6. Click OK in the lower-right corner. Click Connect.
    If the indicator on the right side turns green, the MQTT connection is established.

    Device Connection Using MQTT.fx

Test communication

Device-to-cloud communication

  1. In the Publish field, enter the topic and the payload and then click Publish. We use the topic tylink/6c855a6e81c40a91e9k5gx/thing/property/report as an example to describe the process.

    Device Connection Using MQTT.fx Device Connection Using MQTT.fx
  2. Check Device Logs on the Tuya Developer Platform. Enter the DeviceID. If the published message is displayed, the upstream communication is successful.

Cloud-to-device communication

  1. In the Subscribe field, enter the topic and then click Subscribe. A subscription message will be displayed on the client. We use the topic tylink/6c855a6e81c40a91e9k5gx/thing/model/get_response as an example to describe the process.

    Device Connection Using MQTT.fx
  2. In the Publish field, enter the subscribed topic and then click Publish.

    Device Connection Using MQTT.fx
  3. Click the Subscribe tab. If the subscribed topic receives a message from the cloud, the downstream communication is successful.

    Device Connection Using MQTT.fx