Tuya Sandwich Smart Pet Product Board

Last Updated on : 2024-06-19 08:14:59download

This topic describes the Tuya Sandwich function board designed for prototyping smart pet products. This board is used in tandem with the microcontroller board.

Tuya Sandwich Smart Pet Product Board


This board can be used to prototype smart pet feeders, pet water dispensers, and aquariums.


This board consists of the following key components:

  • A circuit used to measure weight, consisting of an analog-to-digital converter (ADC) and an external load cell.
  • A circuit used to record and play audio, consisting of a microphone and a voice chip.
  • A motor driver circuit.
  • A circuit used to regulate the voltage of the water pump, consisting of a boost converter and peripheral circuits.
  • A driver circuit used to connect to an external UV disinfection light and water heater.
  • A temperature acquisition circuit.
  • An interface to connect to an external OLED display.
  • RGB indicator circuit.
  • Key event detection circuit.

It has an interface for connecting to the Tuya NANO or Sandwich microcontroller board.

Component Description
U1 WT2003H4-16S voice chip
U2 HX711 analog-to-digital converter
U3 TPM16050 motor driver
U4 ETA1611S2G boost converter

Pin functions

The board offers a variety of peripheral interfaces. The following table lists the pin functions.

Tuya Sandwich Smart Pet Product Board

I/O Description
3V3 3.3V DC power supply
5V 5V DC power supply
GND 5V DC and 3.3V DC power ground
P3 Interface to an OLED display
P8 Interface to switching between an OLED clock line and a UV disinfection light
P9 Interface to switching between an OLED data line and water heater
P10 Interface to a load cell
P11 Interface to a thermistor, water heater, and UV disinfection light
P12 Interface to a speaker
P13 Interface to a voice chip (serial communication)
P14 Interface to switching between motor IN1 and water pump
P15 Interface to switching between motor IN2 and water pump
P16 Interface to a motor
P17 Interface to a water pump
P4, P5 Interface to a Tuya NANO microcontroller board.
P1, P2, P6, P7 Interface to a Tuya Sandwich microcontroller board

Power requirements

Supply voltage to the board according to the operating voltage of the microcontroller board. 5V DC voltage is recommended.

Schematic diagram and PCB

Schematic diagram

The schematic diagram of the board:

Tuya Sandwich Smart Pet Product Board


The PCB board:

Tuya Sandwich Smart Pet Product Board

Things to note

  • The RGB strip lights board must be used in tandem with the microcontroller board and power supply board.
  • The power supply pin must not contact I/O pins to avoid shoot-through.
