Install the Homebridge Plugin of Tuya

Last Updated on : 2024-09-23 06:22:42download

With the Homebridge plugin of Tuya, you can easily control smart devices connected to Tuya Developer Platform using HomeKit. This tutorial demonstrates how to install the official Homebridge plugin of Tuya and how to control smart devices using HomeKit.

Create a cloud project and grant it access to specific cloud services

  1. Create a cloud project. For more information, see Create a project.

    Use a cloud project created on or after May 25, 2021. If your project was created before this date, create a new one.

  2. Grant the cloud project access to the following cloud services. For more information, see Grant a project access to API calls

    Access to the following cloud services is required:

    • Authorization token management
    • Smart home basic service
    • Device status notification

Link your app account with the cloud project

  1. Sign up for a Tuya app account, or use an existing one.

    Tuya apps refer to the Tuya Smart app and the Smart Life app.

  2. Pair and activate devices using the Tuya app, and make sure that at least one device is under your account.

  3. Link the app account with the cloud project. For more information, see Link a Tuya app account.

Install Homebridge

Install the Homebridge plugin of Tuya

  1. Open Terminal on your Mac.

    Install the Homebridge Plugin of Tuya
  2. Install the Homebridge plugin of Tuya.

    In the event of any issues during installation, add sudo before the command to run the command as an administrator.

    1. Install the plugin.

      npm install homebridge-tuya-platform
    2. After the installation is completed, check whether the plugin is installed successfully. For more information, watch the plugin installation video.

Edit the configuration file

Before using the Homebridge plugin, edit its config.json file.

  1. Go to the homebridge-tuya-platform/config folder.

    cd ./node_modules/homebridge-tuya-platform/config
  2. Edit the config.json file.

    vim config.json
  3. Set values for parameters in options.

    As shown in the following figure, set values for the nine parameters. If endPoint does not exist, add it manually.

    Install the Homebridge Plugin of Tuya
    • username and password: Enter the username and password of your Tuya app account.

    • accessId and accessKey: Enter the Access ID and Access Secret of your project. To view the Access ID and Access Secret, go to Tuya Developer Platform, click the target project, and find Authorization Key on the Overview page.

      Install the Homebridge Plugin of Tuya
    • lang: Keep the default value en.

    • endPoint: Enter the cloud server address of the data center where the cloud project under your Tuya app account resides. For more information, see Mappings Between OEM App Accounts and Data Centers.

      Region Endpoint
      United States
      Eastern America
      Western Europe
    • projectType: Enter the development mode that you selected when creating the project. For more information, see Cloud Integration Solutions.

      • 1: custom development
      • 2: smart home PaaS
    • appSchema: Enter the name of the app that you use to connect devices on Tuya Developer Platform.

      • tuyaSmart: Tuya Smart
      • smartLife: Smart Life
    • countryCode: Enter the code of the country or region that you selected when logging in to the app. For more information, see Country or region codes.

  4. Save and exit the file.

    Input :wq to save and exit the file.

Run the plugin

  1. Go back to the homebridge-tuya-platform directory.

    cd ..
  2. Run the plugin.

    homebridge -D -U ./config/ -P ./

    For more information, watch the plugin running video.

Connect to HomeKit

Make sure that Homebridge is connected to the same local area network (LAN) as the Wi-Fi network of your mobile phone. Cross-VLAN connection is not supported.

  1. Open Home on your Apple device.

  2. Scan the QR code or enter the 8-digit PIN code printed after you run the plugin to pair Homebridge. You can also find the PIN code in the config.json file.

    Install the Homebridge Plugin of Tuya

Control devices on HomeKit

Now, you can view and control all smart devices connected to the Tuya app on the HomeKit dashboard.

Install the Homebridge Plugin of Tuya

Common error codes and corresponding solutions

Error code Error message Solution
1004 sign invalid The access ID or access key is incorrect. Enter the correct access ID or access key. For more information, see Set values for parameters in options.
1106 permission deny
  • The app account is not linked with the cloud project. Make sure that your Tuya app account is linked with the cloud project. For more information, see Link devices by app account.
  • The username or password is incorrect. Use the username and password of the Tuya app account with which the cloud project is linked.
  • The endpoint is incorrect. Enter the correct endpoint. For more information, see Endpoint.
  • The country or region code is incorrect. Enter the code of the country or region that you selected when logging in to the Tuya app. For more information, see Country or region codes.
1100 param is empty The username or appSchema parameter is empty. Set a correct value for it. For more information, see Set values for parameters in options.
2017 schema does not exist The appSchema parameter in the config.json file is incorrect. Set a correct value for it. For more information, see Set values for parameters in options.
2406 skill id invalid
28841105 No permissions. This project is not authorized to call this API The cloud project does not have access to some of the required APIs. Subscribe to the APIs and authorize the cloud project. For more information, see Subscribe to APIs and Grant a project access to API calls. For this tutorial, access to the following APIs is required:
  • Authorization token management
  • Smart home basic service
  • Device status notification