Tuya Sandwich Vibration Sensor Board

Last Updated on : 2024-06-24 03:06:34download

The Tuya Sandwich vibration sensor function board is the application part of the Sandwich development board, which helps you quickly implement various smart hardware prototypes. It needs to be used together with the control board and the power board.

Tuya Sandwich Vibration Sensor Board

Product features

  • The board contains an ST three-axis accelerometer LIS2DW12. The chip’s operating voltage range is 1.62V–3.6V. It communicates with the main chip through the I2C or SPI protocol.

  • The board uses the I2C protocol to communicate. In an actual scenario, the board can report the status of vibration and falling down. You can set the sensitivities of high, medium, and low on the app.

Introduction to key components

Components Description
U1 (LIS2DW12) ST three-axis accelerometer. Its operating voltage range is 1.62V–3.6V. It uses 16-bit data exportation and LGA-12 package.

Introduction to I/O ports

See the following table for the pins that are used in the Tuya Sandwich vibration sensor board:

I/O Description
VCC Power supply pin
GND Power ground
SCL I2C clock signal
SDA I2C data signal
INT Interrupt signal which outputs high logic level after generating an interrupt

Technical requirements

  • The power supply voltage refers to the operating voltage range of the sensor and the corresponding module: 2.2–3.6V.
  • Typical current in low power mode: less than 1uA.

Schematic diagram and PCB

  • Schematic diagram of Tuya Sandwich vibration sensor function board:

    Tuya Sandwich Vibration Sensor Board

  • PCB of Tuya Sandwich vibration sensor function board:

    Tuya Sandwich Vibration Sensor Board

Things to note

  • The function board needs to be used with the control board and power supply board.
  • Do not insert the I/O pin into the power port to prevent a breakdown of the corresponding I/O port of the module.
  • You can set the sensitivities of high, medium, and low on the app as needed.
