License Consumption for Activating Sub-Devices Via Dynamic Discovery

Last Updated on : 2024-06-19 05:53:36download

If you choose the TuyaLink solution to connect gateways or sub-devices to the Tuya Developer Platform, you may use dynamic discovery to activate sub-devices. This topic describes the license consumption for sub-device activation in terms of different use cases.

For industry: Smart Industry app and cloud development

There are two cases when a gateway activates a sub-device through dynamic discovery.

Case 1: Gateway has been bound to an asset

A gateway device has been bound to an asset of a cloud project (Cloud > Development > Cloud Projects > Assets). When the gateway activates a sub-device, this consumes the license of the associated sub-device product under the developer account that the asset belongs to.


  • The gateway product and the sub-device product are created under one developer account, and dynamic registration is used to activate sub-devices.
  • The sub-device product is created under the developer account that owns the gateway-bound asset.

Case 2: Gateway has not been bound to an asset

A gateway device has not been bound to any asset. When the gateway activates a sub-device, this consumes the license of the owner of the associated sub-device product.

Scenario: The gateway product and the sub-device product are not created under the current developer account.

For smart home: Smart Life app

When a gateway activates a sub-device, regardless of the gateway binding state, this consumes the license of the owner of the associated sub-device product.


  • A gateway that has been bound to a home cannot be bound to another home or any asset.
  • A gateway that has been bound to an asset cannot be bound to another asset or any home.

Reference process

License Consumption for Activating Sub-Devices Via Dynamic Discovery

For more information, see Gateway and Gateway Sub-device Connectivity.