Template v4.9.0 Update Instructions

Last Updated on : 2024-06-14 08:13:37download

This topic describes the updates of the OEM app for Smart Travel with v4.9.0. This app version was released on April 10, 2023. You can integrate the updates into your app.

New features

  • Added voice control with Siri

    • Added features such as Siri control and query of the battery level and mileage to cellular long-term evolution (LTE) connected devices.

    • You must subscribe to voice control with Siri before you package and launch the OEM app. This enables the value-added service to be integrated into your app. For more information about the subscription, see Travel Siri Access.

      Template v4.9.0 Update Instructions

Fixes and updates

Fixed certain known issues and optimized the user experience of certain features.

Feedback and help