Template v3.37.0 Update Instructions

Last Updated on : 2024-06-14 11:58:09download

This topic describes the updates of the OEM app v3.37.0. This app version was released on March 31, 2022. You can integrate the updates into your app.

Update instructions

Added map options

  • Added support for built-in map services.

    • To enable built-in map services, you must get the Google Maps API key for Android and AutoNavi key for Android or iOS, and enter the keys in the respective fields on the Tuya Developer Platform.
    • If you do not set the built-in map services, all map features will disappear from the app, for example, vehicle positioning, route records, cycling routes, and store management.
  • Added support for built-in navigation.

    Built-in navigation is available only in mainland China.

    • To enable built-in navigation, you must get the AutoNavi key for Android or iOS and enter the key in the respective field on the Tuya Developer Platform.
    • If you do not set this feature, when users tap a navigation button, the app automatically loads the existing map software on the mobile phone. Both mobile phone platforms support the following map software:
      • Android: Google Maps, Baidu Maps, AutoNavi, and Tencent Maps
      • iOS: Apple Maps and Google Maps

Added navigation pages

Added pages for vehicle search navigation and store navigation. In these scenarios, driving navigation is used by default.

Supported design of smart travel control panels

For v3.37.0 and later, in the Device Interaction step of product development, you must select the following all-in-one panel and customize the interaction on your OEM app for smart travel.

Template v3.37.0 Update Instructions

Optimized features

Optimized always-on navigation for Android

Starting Android 8.0, to minimize power consumption, the system has limited the frequency at which background applications update users’ location information per hour. Based on Android’s guidelines, to increase the frequency of location updates, the background application must send a service notification to the foreground.

For this purpose, the navigation feature of your OEM app has been optimized. During the navigation for Android, a service notification is sent to the foreground. After the application runs in the background, this notification still works. This way, user location information can be updated as expected.

Optimized HID compatibility for Android

Optimized the human interface device (HID) pairing methods for Android and added the data point (DP) auto_unlock_pair. This DP is available only for Android mobile phones and requires the embedded reprogramming of pairing methods.

Optimized multilingual settings

Optimized the multilingual settings for your OEM app for smart travel. To reach a global audience, you can customize multilingual UI text that appeals to a target market, respecting the product names, data points, device panels, pairing guides, device push notifications, and firmware updates.

The OEM app for smart travel allows you to configure multilingual options for the features and secondary pages of your product and app multilingual text.

Optimized battery information settings

Modified the following DPs to deal with battery DP information that is reported at a low frequency:

  • Deleted the following DPs:

    • battery_status
    • battery_cycle_times
    • battery_temp_current
    • battery_capacity
    • bms_chartime
    • battery_status_2
    • battery_cycle_times_2
    • battery_temp_2
    • battery_capacity_2
    • bms_chartime_2
  • Added the rules of setting the battery information 1:

    battery_info: {"healthy": "Health status", "cycle_times": "Battery cycle count", "temp": "Battery temperature (℃)", "capacity": "Battery capacity (A h)", "chartime":"Charging duration (`0`-`86400`, in seconds)"}
  • Added the rules of setting the battery information 2:

    battery_info_2: {"healthy": "Health status", "cycle_times": "Battery cycle count", "temp": "Battery temperature (℃)", "capacity": "Battery capacity (A h)", "chartime":"Charging duration (`0`-`86400`, in seconds)"}

    The fields in the battery information can be customized. However, the total field length cannot exceed 255 characters, and the original logic is still supported.

Optimized Bluetooth control without connection to the internet

Optimized device control over Bluetooth Low Energy (LE), Cat.x and Bluetooth LE combo. Users can control this type of device over Bluetooth LE and view device data even if the mobile phone is disconnected from the internet.

Fixed certain problems for Bluetooth LE devices

Optimized certain problems for Bluetooth LE devices that might arise when users pair, delete or refresh devices.

Optimize the device pairing process

  • Added a new function Add device Automatically in settings.

    Template v3.37.0 Update Instructions
  • Optimized and unified the device pairing process, improve the success rate of device pairing.

Notice on App Store upgrading Xcode 13

From April 2022, all iOS and iPadOS apps submitted to the App Store must be built with Xcode 13 and the iOS 15 SDK. Tuya Smart Life OEM apps of the template v3.35.5 and above has been adapted to Xcode 13.

For customized apps, please contact your customer manager in Tuya for coordination as soon as possible. It is recommended to build and release your app in the latest template. However, the apps that are released in the App Store before April will not be affected.

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