LWA Basic Template

Last Updated on : 2024-06-05 03:14:32download

This topic describes the specific features of the Login With Amazon (LWA) basic template and how to use this template. For more resources, see the GitHub repository.

This project depends on TYSdk.mobile.mobileInfo.appRnVersion v5.28 or later. If the earlier app version is used, go to Tuya Panel-RN to download the required version.


The template project is a TypeScript basic template based on React Native 0.59 and can be used to create Alexa Built-in products with a few simple steps. The template project supports the following features:

  • Authorized login to and logout of Amazon Alexa
  • Device wake word setting


This topic only describes the directories related to the scaffold. For more information about the general directory structure, see RN 0.59 TS Template.

├── api // Includes multiple types of cloud API operations that are used to run the project.
├── components // Includes reusable functional components that are used to run the project.
│   ├── bottom.tsx // The `footer` component of the page.
│   ├── sideBar.tsx // The component that toggles the sidebar.
│   ├── connect.tsx 
│   └── index.ts
├── composeLayout.tsx // Encapsulates `device events` and `device information` that are required on the panel.
├── config // Includes common configuration files that are used on the panel.
│   ├── dpCodes.ts // Configures data points (DPs).
│   ├── interface.ts // Returns data by using APIs.
│   ├── index.ts
│   └── theme.ts // Configures the theme.
├── i18n // Includes the multilingual configuration files.
├── main.tsx // The project entry files that are inherited from `NavigatorLayout`. Rewrite the `hookRoute` method to define necessary configurations, such as the background and top bar. Rewrite the `renderScene` method to control routing jump.
├── models // Includes the code of `redux`.
│   ├── combine.ts // Combines the reducers.
│   ├── configureStore.ts
│   ├── index.ts
│   └── modules
│       ├── common.ts // Common actions and reducers.
|       ├── page.ts // Saves the page status.
│       └── customize.ts // Custom actions and reducers.
├── pages // Includes page-level components of the project.
│   ├──index.tsx // The entry file of the homepage.
│   └── auth.tsx// The authorization page.
|   └── setterPage.tsx// The language setting page.
├── res // Includes local resources, such as pictures and SVG paths.
└── utils // Includes common utility methods that are used on the panel.

UI interaction

Authorization page

LWA Basic Template

Wake word setting page

LWA Basic Template

Native methods


Returns the device authorization status.

No. Parameter Type Description
1 devId String The device ID.
2 Callback Function (code:number)=>{} code:
  • 0: authorized successfully.
  • 1: unauthorized.
  • 2: authorization error.


Authorizes the device.

No. Parameter Type Description
1 devId String The device ID.
2 params object Four parameters are required:
  • code (authorization code)
  • client_id
  • cclient_secret
  • redirect_uri
3 Callback Function (code: number, data:object)=> {}code:
  • 0: authorized successfully.
  • 1: unauthorized.
  • 2: authorization error.


Sets the language of the Alexa wake word.

No. Parameter Type Description
1 devId String The device ID.
2 language string The language. Format: de-DE.
3 Callback Function The callback:
  • true: The call is successful.
  • false: The call failed.


Enables logout of the service.

No. Parameter Type Description
1 devId String The device ID.
2 Callback Function The callback:
  • true: The call is successful.
  • false: The call failed.


Closes the WebView.

Native event


Broadcasts the changed URL of the WebView page for Android.

Cloud APIs


Returns the LWA authorization URL.

No. Parameter Type Description
1 deviceId String The device ID.


Returns a list of wake words.

No. Parameter Type Description
1 deviceId String The device ID.


Checks whether the device is bound with Alexa skills.

No. Parameter Type Description
1 deviceId String The device ID.


Returns the client information.

No. Parameter Type Description
1 deviceId String The device ID.