Zigbee Gateway Basic Template

Last Updated on : 2024-06-24 03:52:04download

This topic describes the specific functions of Zigbee gateway templates and how to use these templates. For more information, see the GitHub repository.

Note: This project depends on TYSdk.mobile.mobileInfo.appRnVersion v5.28 or later. If the earlier application version is used, go to Tuya Panel-RN to download the required version.


The template project is a TypeScript basic template based on React Native 0.59 and can be used to create Tuya Zigbee gateways with a few simple steps. The template project supports the following functions:

  • Display sub-devices
  • Add sub-devices
  • Control sub-devices on the details page


Note: This topic only describes the directories related to the scaffold. For more information about the general directory structure, see RN 0.59 TS Template.

├── api // Include multiple types of cloud API operations that are used to run the project. ├── components // Include reusable functional components that are used to run the project. │ ├── AddModal.tsx // The dialog box to indicate pairing. │ ├── SubDevItem.tsx // The components that are used to render sub-devices. │ ├── TopView.tsx // The top bar. │ ├── connect.tsx │ └── index.ts ├── composeLayout.tsx // Encapsulate `device events` and `device information` that are required on the panel. ├── config // Include common configuration files that are used on the panel. │ ├── dpCodes.ts // Configure data points (DPs). │ ├── fetchDataInterface.ts // Return data by using APIs. │ ├── index.ts │ └── theme.ts // Configure the theme. ├── i18n // Include configuration files to support multiple languages. ├── main.tsx // The project entry files that are inherited from `NavigatorLayout`. Rewrite the `hookRoute` method to define necessary configurations, such as the background and top bar. Rewrite the `renderScene` method to control routing jump. ├── models // Include the code of redux. │ ├── combine.ts // combineReducers │ ├── configureStore.ts │ ├── index.ts │ └── modules │ ├── common.ts // Common actions and reducers. │ └── customize.ts // Custom actions and reducers. ├── pages // Include page-level components of the project. │ ├── AddSubDev.tsx // The button that is used to add sub-devices at the bottom of the homepage. │ ├── Index.tsx // The homepage entry file. │ └── SubList.tsx // The list of sub-devices. ├── res // Include local resources, such as pictures and SVG paths. └── utils // Include common utility methods that are used on the panel.

Service process and UI interaction

Sub-device pairing

  1. Go to the Smart Gateway page of your app and tap Add subdevice at the bottom.

    Zigbee Gateway Basic Template
  2. Follow the instructions in the dialog box to reset the sub-device to the pairing mode, and tap LED already blink to start pairing.

    Zigbee Gateway Basic Template
  3. After the sub-device is added, tap the sub-device icon to go to the panel.

    Zigbee Gateway Basic Template Zigbee Gateway Basic Template

Native API


The RN version number of the app.


Get the list of sub-devices when appRnVersion is v5.28 or earlier.

No. Parameter description Parameter type appRnVersion
1 Successful callback Function v5.28 or earlier
2 Failed callback Function v5.28 or earlier


Get the list of sub-devices when appRnVersion is later than v5.28.

No. Parameter description Parameter type appRnVersion
1 Gateway device ID String Later than v5.28
2 Successful callback Function Later than v5.28
3 Failed callback Function Later than v5.28


Get relational data between sub-devices and homes.

No. Parameter description Parameter type
1 Successful callback Function
2 Failed callback Function