Cloud-to-Cloud Integration

Last Updated on : 2024-06-19 10:25:04download

This topic describes how to connect your smart devices to the Tuya Developer Platform through TuyaLink-based cloud-to-cloud integration.


Cloud-to-Cloud Integration

Cloud-to-cloud integration allows you to connect a full-fledged IoT ecosystem to the Tuya Developer Platform, without changes to existing hardware. The OpenAPI services and standardized frameworks help you implement system integration and interconnectivity and interoperability across various industries with cost efficiency. After integration, the devices can be controlled and managed by Tuya-based apps and SaaS applications.

Cloud-to-Cloud Integration


Cloud-to-Cloud Integration

You create a cloud project and get the authorization key. Integrate the OpenAPI related to Cloud-to-Cloud Integration and Message Service into your cloud project. You can then use your existing business system to monitor the bidirectional messaging so as to manage the full lifecycle of connected device fleets.


Step 1: Create product

When you create a product on the Tuya Developer Platform, choose TuyaLink for smart mode. For more information about the detailed processes of product creation, see Create Products.

Cloud-to-Cloud Integration

Step 2: Define functions

Add standard functions or create custom functions as needed. For more information, see Function Definition.

Cloud-to-Cloud Integration

Step 3: Develop device

Complete the process as instructed on the Device Development page.

  1. For Development Method, choose Cloud-to-Cloud Integration. You can click See Details to check out the documentation.

    Cloud-to-Cloud Integration

  2. Subscribe to the Cloud-to-Cloud Integration Service.

    Subscribe to the Device Cloud-to-Cloud Integration Service and authorize your cloud project to use this service.

    Cloud-to-Cloud Integration

    The following figure demonstrates APIs related to cloud-to-cloud integration. For more information about the complete offering, see Cloud-to-Cloud Integration Service. Make sure you have subscribed to the service and completed project authorization.

    Cloud-to-Cloud Integration

    Cloud-to-Cloud Integration

    Cloud-to-Cloud Integration Service only provides device-to-cloud messaging. To enable cloud-to-device messaging, you need to complete application development.

    Authorize product to access project

    After you subscribe to the Cloud-to-Cloud Integration Service and authorize your project to use this service, you need to authorize the target product to access this project. In this way, devices under this product are allowed to make API calls and send data to the cloud by using the authorization key. One product can be authorized to access up to two projects.

    Cloud-to-Cloud Integration

    To enable device-to-cloud messaging, make sure you have authorized the target product to access the cloud project that is authorized to use the Cloud-to-Cloud Integration Service.

    Enable message service and get messaging SDK

    To enable your existing business system to receive commands from a Tuya-based mobile app or SaaS, you need to integrate the messaging SDK and subscribe to the BizCode of property settings and action execution.

    • Set a property: setThingProperties
    • Perform an action: execThingAction

    Enable the message service as instructed on the page. For more information, see Message Queue.

    Cloud-to-Cloud Integration

    Integrate with APIs

    In the left navigation pane, Choose Cloud > Development > your project. On the Overview page, find the Authorization Key to perform API integration and development.

    Cloud-to-Cloud Integration

  3. Verify communication.

    Verify device-to-cloud messaging

    Before API integration, you can use the API Explorer to simulate device registration, device going online, and property reporting. The following steps show how to use API Explorer.

    1. Open the Device Cloud to Cloud Integration Service. Click Debugging and select an authorized project.

      Cloud-to-Cloud Integration

    2. Before device registration, you need to purchase the Device Connectivity License and assign the license to the target product. For more information, see Device Connectivity License.

      Cloud-to-Cloud Integration

      Enter the required parameters to complete device registration.

      Cloud-to-Cloud Integration

      You will get the device ID used to make API calls for device going online and property reporting.

      Cloud-to-Cloud Integration

    3. The device goes online after registration.

    4. The device reports property values to the cloud. To check the result of property reporting visually, you can use Device Debugging or an app panel to verify the communication between the device and the cloud.

      Open Device Debugging. You can send commands to the device by setting properties, and get the current property values. For more information, see Online Debugging.

      Cloud-to-Cloud Integration

      To debug devices, make sure you have registered them, and they are online. For more information, see Online Debugging.

      Make an API to report a property value. For example, set weight to 20 and click Submit Request.

      Cloud-to-Cloud Integration

      Go to Device Debugging and get the latest property value. The logs are displayed on the right screen.

      Cloud-to-Cloud Integration

    Verify third-party cloud receiving messages from Tuya’s cloud services.

    A third-party cloud receives messages from Tuya’s cloud services by integrating with the Message Service SDK. For more information, see Message Queue. You can use Message Service and Device Debugging to verify the functionality.

    1. Open Message Service and enable this service. Under the Message Test tab, add a device for testing. If Tuya’s cloud service sends a message to the device, the data will be shown in the log window.

      Cloud-to-Cloud Integration

    2. Open Device Debugging. Set a property value to simulate sending a command from the cloud to the device. For example, change the channel to wifi. The downstream messaging is logged on the right screen.

      Cloud-to-Cloud Integration
    3. Open Message Service and check out the message received from the cloud.

      Cloud-to-Cloud Integration

      This is the basic walkthrough of verifying bidirectional communication. In actual use, the third-party business system needs to integrate with the Cloud-to-Cloud Integration and Message Service as needed to implement messaging.

  4. Release the product.

    If the connectivity is verified and works, you can release the product. And then you can proceed to develop an application as needed.

    Cloud-to-Cloud Integration

Things to note

To ensure the availability of the connected devices, your existing business system should be updated to adapt to the cloud-to-cloud integration and provide a stable connection to your users.

Next step

For more information, see TuyaLink.