Develop with Go SDK

Last Updated on : 2024-06-20 06:35:26download

This topic describes how to develop a program to control smart devices based on the open capabilities and SDK of the Tuya Developer Platform.



Step 1: Set up development environment

This step is based on the Tuya-connector-Go SDK. Tuya-connector helps you efficiently create cloud development projects regarding the OpenAPI or message subscription capabilities. You can put all the focus on business logic without taking care of server-side programming nor relational databases. Perform the following steps:

  1. Get the SDK address at Tuya-connector-Go.

    Develop with Go SDK

  2. Go to Projects > Get from VCS > URL, enter the SDK address, and then click Clone.
    Develop with Go SDK

  3. Choose View > Tool Windows > Terminal, open the terminal, and enter go mod tidy to download the dependency package. You can check the download status by viewing the go.mod file.
    Develop with Go SDK

Step 2: Edit profile

Note: This topic uses custom environment variables.

Before development, you need to configure environment variables in example > main.go.

  1. Go to the Tuya Developer Platform and select your cloud project. Click Overview and find the Cloud Application Authorization Key, including Access ID and Access Secret.

    Develop with Go SDK

  2. Configure environment variables in the main.go file.

    • connector.InitWithOptions(env.WithApiHost(): the data center address of API requests.
    • env.WithMsgHost(): the request address of message subscription.
    • env.WithAccessID(): the Access ID in the authorization key.
    • env.WithAccessKey(): the Access Secret in the authorization key.
    • env.WithAppName(): the program name used to generate log files.

    Develop with Go SDK

    Sample code:

    	func main() {
    		// Custom configuration
    		// Start the message subscription service
    		go messaging.Listener()
    		// Start the API service
    		r := router.NewGinEngin()
    		go r.Run("")
  3. (Optional) Set environment variables, and read the configuration from the environment variables when the project starts. The default configuration is started in the project.

    Environment variables:

    export TUYA_API_HOST=
    export TUYA_ACCESSID=xxxxxx
    export TUYA_ACCESSKEY=xxxxxxx
    export TUYA_MSG_HOST=pulsar+ssl://xxxxxx

    Project configuration:

    func main() {
       // Default configuration
       // Start the message subscription service
       go messaging.Listener()
       // Start the API service
       r := router.NewGinEngin()
       go r.Run("")

Step 3: Control device

After the environment is ready, you can start your coding journey.

Note: The strip lights are controlled in this example. The standard instruction for turning lights on or off is the switch_led. If you want to control other devices, query the standard instruction set and modify the code.

  1. Create OpenAPIs.
    Develop with Go SDK

    Sample code:

    package service
    import (
    type Response map[string]interface{}
    type DeviceError struct {
    func (d *DeviceError) Process(ctx context.Context, code int, msg string) {
    	logger.Log.Error(code, msg)
    func GetDevice(c *gin.Context) {
    	device_id := c.Param("device_id")
    	resp := &model.GetDeviceResponse{}
    	err := connector.MakeGetRequest(
    		connector.WithAPIUri(fmt.Sprintf("/v1.0/iot-03/devices/%s", device_id)),
    		connector.WithErrProc(1102, &DeviceError{}))
    	if err != nil {
    		logger.Log.Errorf("err:%s", err.Error())
    	c.JSON(200, resp)
    func PostDeviceCmd(c *gin.Context) {
    	device_id := c.Param("device_id")
    	body, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(c.Request.Body)
    	resp := &model.PostDeviceCmdResponse{}
    	err := connector.MakePostRequest(
    		connector.WithAPIUri(fmt.Sprintf("/v1.0/iot-03/devices/%s/commands", device_id)),
    	if err != nil {
    		logger.Log.Errorf("err:%s", err.Error())
    	c.JSON(200, resp)
  2. Build the data structure returned by OpenAPI.
    Develop with Go SDK

    Sample code:

    package model
    type DeviceModel struct {
    	UUID   string `json:"uuid"`
    	UID    string `json:"uid"`
    	Name   string `json:"name"`
    	IP     string `json:"ip"`
    	Sub    bool   `json:"sub"`
    	Model  string `json:"model"`
    	Status []struct {
    		Code  string      `json:"code"`
    		Value interface{} `json:"value"`
    	} `json:"status"`
    	Category    string `json:"category"`
    	Online      bool   `json:"online"`
    	ID          string `json:"id"`
    	TimeZone    string `json:"time_zone"`
    	LocalKey    string `json:"local_key"`
    	UpdateTime  int    `json:"update_time"`
    	ActiveTime  int    `json:"active_time"`
    	OwnerID     string `json:"owner_id"`
    	ProductID   string `json:"product_id"`
    	ProductName string `json:"product_name"`
    type GetDeviceResponse struct {
    	Code    int         `json:"code"`
    	Msg     string      `json:"msg"`
    	Success bool        `json:"success"`
    	Result  DeviceModel `json:"result"`
    	T       int64       `json:"t"`
    type PostDeviceCmdResponse struct {
    	Code    int    `json:"code"`
    	Msg     string `json:"msg"`
    	Success bool   `json:"success"`
    	Result  bool   `json:"result"`
    	T       int64  `json:"t"`
  3. Perform debugging.

    1. Use gin to create a route.
      Develop with Go SDK

      Sample code:

      package router
      import (
      func NewGinEngin() *gin.Engine {
      	engine := gin.New()
      	return engine
      func initRouter(r *gin.Engine) {
      	deviceGroup := r.Group("/devices")
      	deviceGroup.GET("/:device_id", service.GetDevice)
      	deviceGroup.POST("/:device_id/commands", service.PostDeviceCmd)
    2. View results.

      • Get device information

        With a browser, you can make API calls to get device information. In this example, Chrome browser is used.
        The request address is{device ID}.

        Develop with Go SDK

        Program log printing:

        2021/08/12 17:41:16 2021-08-12 17:41:16 [connector/base.go:68] [INFO] -> [ProxyHttp] success req:&{GET******03567  0 0 map[Access_token:[452f6864c1c5b0cf88155ff59a8fde48] Client_id:[xtu7******zk48ufo] Content-Type:[application/json] Dev_channel:[SaaSFramework] Dev_lang:[golang] Nonce:[a92f488e-d54d-4809-bce2-2404fa95510b] Sign:[46199E5CDFC290FCDD9D1CF4C90AA9AE110B2BE7A26242C0B7CB4F7315AE7EF3] Sign_method:[HMAC-SHA256] T:[1628761276116]] <nil> <nil> 0 [] false  map[] map[] <nil> map[]   <nil> <nil> <nil> <nil>}, resp:&{Code:0 Msg: Success:true Result:{UUID:vdev******03567 UID: Name:smart bulb 800lm rgb+cct-vdevo IP: Sub:false Model: Status:[] Category:dj Online:true ID:vdev******03567 TimeZone:+08:00 LocalKey:25bfe7******b257 UpdateTime:1627990800 ActiveTime:1627990800 OwnerID: ProductID:yju2e*****jr5zx ProductName:smart bulb 800lm rgb+cct} T:1628761276303}
      • Send instructions

        With the POST method, you can use the terminal to run the Curl command on macOS, or follow the curl environment rules and run the CMD command on Windows.

        Run the command:

        	curl ID/commands -d '{"commands":[{"code":"switch_led","value":true}]}'

        Develop with Go SDK

        Program log printing:

        2021/08/12 17:53:18 2021-08-12 17:53:18 [connector/base.go:74] [INFO] -> [ProxyHttp] success req:&{POST******03567/commands  0 0 map[Access_token:[452f6864c1c5b0cf88155ff59a8fde48] Client_id:[xtu7******zk48ufo] Content-Type:[application/json] Dev_channel:[SaaSFramework] Dev_lang:[golang] Nonce:[210a6d2d-dd8e-41c4-b993-bfdf7f4e9ae7] Sign:[7989C4B8A2FCFA1D44FDBBD2E7537202352645CDC1C9C90C62F4803EFE5ABC10] Sign_method:[HMAC-SHA256] T:[1628761998388]] {} <nil> 0 [] false  map[] map[] <nil> map[]   <nil> <nil> <nil> <nil>}, resp:&{Code:0 Msg: Success:true Result:true T:1628761998619}	

Step 4: Publish and subscribe to messages

The code implements the interface for message publishing in the connector framework. The dispatcher features message ordering and data decryption. This allows you to create specific message types and publish messages based on Spring’s event mechanism.

Note: The Message Service is required to enable this feature. For more information, see Subscribe to API services.

  1. When initializing the application, add the go messaging.Listener() service.
    Develop with Go SDK

  2. Subscribe to message events
    You need to add the specified EventMessage events. The framework includes all Tuya’s cloud message event types. The message data contains ciphertext messages and plaintext messages.

    Develop with Go SDK

    Sample code:

    package messaging
    import (
    func Listener() {
    	message.Handler.SubEventMessage(func(m *event.StatusReportMessage) {
    		logger.Log.Info("=========== report data: ==========")
    		logger.Log.Info("BizCode:",m.BizCode,",DataId:",m.DataId,",DevId:",m.DevId,"TS:",m.Ts )
    		for _, v := range m.Status {
    			logger.Log.Info(v.Code, v.Value)

    Sample response

    2021/08/12 18:06:55 2021-08-12 18:06:55 [./.:0] [DEBUG] -> consumer receive message, topic=persistent://xtu7******zk48ufo/out/event-partition-41
    2021/08/12 18:06:55 2021-08-12 18:06:55 [message/consumer.go:50] [DEBUG] -> Handler trace info, msgID=ledgerId:29139952 entryId:20 partition:41  , topic=persistent://xtu7******zk48ufo/out/event-partition-41 , decode spend=7µs , Unactive spend=583ns , ConsumerID spend=583ns , HandlePayload spend=7.875µs , Ack spend=60.959µs , total spend=104.292µs
    2021/08/12 18:06:55 2021-08-12 18:06:55 [reflect/value.go:337] [INFO] -> =========== report data: ==========
    2021/08/12 18:06:55 2021-08-12 18:06:55 [reflect/value.go:337] [INFO] -> BizCode: statusReport ,DataId: 05af79e2-fb55-11eb-8396-02425b0322e7 ,DevId: vdev******03567 TS: 0
    2021/08/12 18:06:55 2021-08-12 18:06:55 [reflect/value.go:337] [INFO] -> switch_led true


Based on the description of the SDK for Go on top of the Tuya Developer Platform, you can call device APIs to control smart devices and listen for device status. Thanks to the standard ecosystem of devices, you can extend this control method to all devices of Tuya’s ecosystem, and accelerate your SaaS development based on smart devices without regard to device differences.