Sub-Device Management

Last Updated on : 2024-06-19 03:29:29download

This topic describes how to manage sub-devices connected to the Tuya Developer Platform through the TuyaOS gateway. This feature only shows non-Tuya based sub-devices currently. To view the list of Tuya based sub-devices, go to Device Details.


Non-Tuya based sub-devices

Sub-devices that are not integrated with Tuya’s network modules. These sub-devices are connected to the Tuya Developer Platform through a TuyaOS gateway.


  • You have created at least one smart product on the Tuya Developer Platform. For more information, see Create Products.
  • You have at least one device activated.


You can view sub-device details and manage sub-devices.

  1. Log in to the Tuya Developer Platform.

  2. In the left navigation bar, choose Product > Sub-Device Details.

    Sub-Device Management

Field description

Fields Description
Device Name The name of a sub-device displayed on the mobile app after it is paired or activated through a gateway. Users can change the device name on the mobile app. If you adopt PaaS integration, call the API to change the device name.
Device ID The unique identifier of a sub-device generated in the cloud after it is paired or activated through a gateway.
Status The binding and connection status of a sub-device. Binding status indicates whether a sub-device is being used. Connection status indicates whether a sub-device is online currently. For more information about activation, see Device Binding Mode. Generally, the gateway acts as a proxy to update the sub-device status.
UUID The unique identifier written to each network module, also the unique credential of the sub-device with this module built in.
Product The product name and product ID (PID) associated with the sub-device.
Device SN The serial number (SN) of a sub-device that reports to the cloud after it is activated. The value of this field is displayed only after the sub-device reports data to the cloud.
Main Device Name/ID The name and ID of the gateway that is associated with the sub-device.
Main Device SN The sub-device serial number (SN) of the gateway that is associated with the sub-device.
First Activated It indicates when the sub-device is activated or registered for the first time. One sub-device instance created when a sub-device is paired or registered is counted as one activation. The gateway acts as a proxy to activate a sub-device.
Last Activated It indicates the latest time that the sub-device is activated or registered. The gateway acts as a proxy to activate a sub-device.


View the sub-device basic information and activation information.

Sub-Device Management

Data isolation

To meet compliance requirements of different countries or regions, Tuya Developer Platform has six data centers deployed worldwide, namely China Data Center, Western America Data Center, Central Europe Data Center, India Data Center, Eastern America Data Center, and Western Europe Data Center. One sub-device can be paired and activated in different data centers. You can switch between data centers to view sub-device details stored in a specific data center.

If you fail to view sub-device details in a specific data center, check if the global network is available to your network service in use.

Sub-Device Management

Next step

Manage devices and sub-devices, debug devices, deploy OTA firmware updates, and manage firmware. For more information, see the Devices.