Device Debugging

Last Updated on : 2024-06-19 03:31:00download

This topic describes how to use the online debugger to test TuyaOS-based and TuyaLink-based products. You can use a real device or virtual device for debugging. The actual effect depends on the real product.


  • You have created at least one smart product on the Tuya Developer Platform. For more information, see Create Products.
  • You have at least one device activated if you plan to debug a real device.


Debug TuyaOS-based product

When you create a product, choose TuyaOS for smart mode. Follow the steps below to debug a device.

Device Debugging

Step 1: Go to Device Debugging and select the target device.

  1. Log in to the Tuya Developer Platform.

  2. In the left navigation bar, choose Product > Device Debugging.

  3. Click Change Product and select the target product from the drop-down list.

    Device Debugging

Step 2: Select the debugging type

Option 1: Debug a real device

Add a real device for debugging by device ID or Smart Life app account.

Device Debugging

Device Debugging

Device Debugging

Option 2: Debug a virtual device

Download the Smart Life app and scan the QR code to add a virtual device for debugging.

Device Debugging
  1. Click Debug to open the debugger that simulates the process of reporting data to the cloud.

    Device Debugging

  2. You can change the value of a data point and click Report to simulate device-to-cloud messaging.

    Device Debugging

  3. The window at the bottom of the page displays the log. The data on the control panel in the app should be updated accordingly. You can verify the functionality of the control panel and data communication.

    Device Debugging

Debug TuyaLink-based product

When you create a product on the Tuya Developer Platform, choose TuyaLink for smart mode. Follow the steps below to debug a device. TuyaLink-based products can only be debugged through a real device. For more information, see Online Debugging.

Device Debugging

Next step

Manage devices and sub-devices, deploy OTA firmware updates, and manage firmware. For more information, see the Devices.