Remote Procedure Call (RPC)

Last Updated on : 2022-11-16 05:55:28download

This topic describes the protocol for RPC requests in order to call OpenAPI. Therefore, you can leverage cloud-based OpenAPI over MQTT to add more features to your business to unlock more use cases.

General RPC requests

Device sends messages

A device initiates an RPC request to the cloud.

Topic: tylink/${deviceId}/channel/rpc/request



Parameter Type Description Required Remark
${deviceId} string Device ID Yes The ID of the device that initiates an RPC request. If this is a sub-device initiating the request, the deviceId should be the ID of the sub-device.
version string Protocol version No The protocol version defaults to 1.0, which is the only valid value currently.
msgId string Message ID Yes A string up to 32 characters in length. A message ID is used to correlate responses and requests.
time number Message timestamp Yes The Unix timestamp when a message is sent, in seconds (10-digit value) or milliseconds (13-digit value).
data object RPC request information Yes The name, version, and parameters of the RPC.
data.api string Name of the RPC interface Yes For example, tuya.device.dynamic.config.ack
data.apiVersion string Version of the RPC interface Yes For example, 1.0.
data.params object Parameters of the RPC request Yes The parameter object of the interface.

Device receives messages

The device receives the result of the procedure execution.

Topic: tylink/${deviceId}/channel/rpc/response

      // ,"errorMsg":"camera storage order not existed"


Parameter Type Description Required Remark
${deviceId} string Device ID Yes The ID of the device that initiates an RPC request. If this is a sub-device initiating the request, the deviceId should be the ID of the sub-device.
version string Protocol version No The protocol version defaults to 1.0, which is the only valid value currently.
msgId string Message ID Yes A string up to 32 characters in length. A message ID is used to correlate responses and requests.
time number Message timestamp Yes The Unix timestamp when a message is sent, in seconds (10-digit value) or milliseconds (13-digit value).
code number Response status code No The status code of the RPC request. 0 means success, the default value. Other values mean failure.
This status code indicates whether the RPC channel is connected. data.success indicates whether the specified procedure is invoked successfully.
data object RPC response information Yes The result of the RPC request and the error code.
data.success boolean RPC request status Yes Indicates whether the specified procedure is invoked successfully.
data.result object RPC execution result No The result of procedure execution.
data.errorCode string RPC error code No Error code returned when an error occurs during RPC execution.
data.errorMsg string RPC error message No Error message returned when an error occurs during RPC execution.

The description of status codes

Status code Description
0 The default status, indicating success.
1001 The RPC request failed.
1002 Invalid parameter.
1003 Incorrect message format.
1006 RPC request timeout.
1007 RPC channel rejects the connection request.
1008 Unknown system error.
4600 Response decoding inside the RPC channel failed.
4601 Device parameters inside the RPC channel are missing.

Reporting the integrated circuit card identifier (ICCID)

Device sends messages

A device initiates an RPC request to the cloud.

Topic: tylink/${deviceId}/channel/rpc/request



Parameter Type Description Required Remark
${deviceId} string Device ID Yes The ID of the device that initiates an RPC request. If this is a sub-device initiating the request, the deviceId should be the ID of the sub-device.
version string Protocol version No The protocol version defaults to 1.0, which is the only valid value currently.
msgId string Message ID Yes A string up to 32 characters in length. A message ID is used to correlate responses and requests.
time number Message timestamp Yes The Unix timestamp when a message is sent, in seconds (10-digit value) or milliseconds (13-digit value).
data object RPC request information Yes The name, version, and parameters of the RPC.
data.api string Name of the RPC interface Yes For example,
data.apiVersion string Version of the RPC interface Yes For example, 1.0.
data.params object Parameters of the RPC request Yes The parameter object of the interface.
data.params.metas.catIccId string 4G device’s ICCID Yes ICCID is the unique identifier of an IC card, composed of 20 characters.

Device receives messages

The device receives the result of the procedure execution.

Topic: tylink/${deviceId}/channel/rpc/response

    "msgId": "45lkj3551234001",
    "time": 1626197189640,
    "code": 0,
    "data": {
        "t": 1662452307,
        "success": true,
        "result": true


Parameter Type Description Required Remark
${deviceId} string Device ID Yes The ID of the device that initiates an RPC request. If this is a sub-device initiating the request, the deviceId should be the ID of the sub-device.
version string Protocol version No The protocol version defaults to 1.0, which is the only valid value currently.
msgId string Message ID Yes A string up to 32 characters in length. A message ID is used to correlate responses and requests.
time number Message timestamp Yes The Unix timestamp when a message is sent, in seconds (10-digit value) or milliseconds (13-digit value).
code number Response status code No The status code of the RPC request. 0 means success, the default value. Other values mean failure.
This status code indicates whether the RPC channel is connected. data.success indicates whether the specified procedure is invoked successfully.
data object RPC response information Yes The result of the RPC request and the error code.
data.success boolean RPC request status Yes Indicates whether the specified procedure is invoked successfully.
data.result object RPC execution result No The result of procedure execution.
data.errorCode string RPC error code No Error code returned when an error occurs during RPC execution.
data.errorMsg string RPC error message No Error message returned when an error occurs during RPC execution.

Get the short URL for QR code binding

Device sends messages

A device initiates an RPC request to the cloud.

Topic: tylink/${deviceId}/channel/rpc/request



Parameter Type Description Required Remark
${deviceId} string Device ID Yes The ID of the device that initiates an RPC request. If this is a sub-device, the deviceId should be the ID of the sub-device.
version string Protocol version No The protocol version defaults to 1.0, which is the only valid value currently.
msgId string Message ID Yes A string up to 32 characters in length. A message ID is used to correlate responses and requests.
time number Message timestamp Yes The Unix timestamp when a message is sent, in seconds (10-digit value) or milliseconds (13-digit value).
data object RPC request information Yes The name, version, and parameters of the RPC.
data.api string Name of the RPC interface Yes For example,
data.apiVersion string Version of the RPC interface Yes For example, 1.0.
data.params object Parameters of the RPC request Yes The parameter object of the interface.

Device receives messages

The device receives the result of the procedure execution.

Topic: tylink/${deviceId}/channel/rpc/response

    "msgId": "45lkj3551234001",
    "time": 1626197189640,
    "code": 0,
    "data": {
        "t": 1662452307,
        "success": true,


Parameter Type Description Required Remark
${deviceId} string Device ID Yes The ID of the device that initiates an RPC request. If this is a sub-device, the deviceId should be the ID of the sub-device.
version string Protocol version No The protocol version defaults to 1.0, which is the only valid value currently.
msgId string Message ID Yes A string up to 32 characters in length. A message ID is used to correlate responses and requests.
time number Message timestamp Yes The Unix timestamp when a message is sent, in seconds (10-digit value) or milliseconds (13-digit value).
code number Response status code No The status code of the RPC request. 0 means success, the default value. Other values mean failure.
This status code indicates whether the RPC channel is connected. data.success indicates whether the specified procedure is invoked successfully.
data object RPC response information Yes The result of the RPC request and the error code.
data.success boolean RPC request status Yes Indicates whether the specified procedure is invoked successfully.
data.result object RPC execution result No The result of procedure execution.
data.result.shortUrl string Short URL Yes For example,
data.errorCode string RPC error code No Error code returned when an error occurs during RPC execution.
data.errorMsg string RPC error message No Error message returned when an error occurs during RPC execution.


For more information, see MQTT Topics.