v3.24.0 Update Notes

Last Updated on : 2024-06-24 04:03:50download

This topic describes the updates of the Smart Life app v3.24.0. This version of the app was released on January 26, 2021. You can download it in major app stores such as Apple App Store and Google Play.

Updated features

Tuya account supports associate with WeChat account

A new WeChat binding entry is added in App page Me - Account and Security which could support users to bind WeChat account.

v3.24.0 Update Notes

Pop-ups modification when the app and panel version is not compatible

When clicking the device, a pop-up box will prompt users to upgrade the app when the app and panel version is not compatible.

Note: You need to configure the upgrade link on Tuya Developer Platform.

v3.24.0 Update Notes

Device sharing is supported for NB-IoT devices

Users could share NB-IoT devices with others via Device Sharing.

v3.24.0 Update Notes

Feedback and help

If you have any questions or App suggestions, please contact app_qa@tuya.com to give feedback.