v5.2.0 Update Notes

Last Updated on : 2024-06-14 18:28:39download

This topic describes the updates of the Smart Life app v5.2.0. This app version was released on July 3, 2023. You can download it from major app stores, such as Apple App Store and Google Play.

App update

  • Added status conditions to make automation scenes more precise.

  • Optimized the interaction in which users enter and edit a scene name to create a scene.

    v5.2.0 Update Notes v5.2.0 Update Notes v5.2.0 Update Notes v5.2.0 Update Notes v5.2.0 Update Notes

Optimized pairing

  • Optimized the animation of loading categories on the list of pairing devices and replaced the original loading animation in a square black background with a concise and beautiful design.

    v5.2.0 Update Notes
  • Cellular devices such as NB-IoT, General Packet Radio Service (GPRS), and LTE Cat.1 devices support direct connection to the internet. After this type of device is paired with QR code, when users try pairing this device in the mode again, the app displays a dialog box, saying the device already exists. Do not add it again.

    v5.2.0 Update Notes

Feedback and help

If you have any questions or suggestions, contact us at app_qa@tuya.com.