v3.27.0 Update Notes

Last Updated on : 2024-06-20 07:19:07download

This topic describes the updates of the Smart Life app v3.27.0. This version of the app was released on April 27, 2021. You can download it in major app stores such as Apple App Store and Google Play.

Updated features

Newly add Voice&SMS reminder function in scenes recommendation

Voice and SMS ensure users receive important notifications in time. Added voice and text message reminders for recommendation scene so users can view the recommended scenes information. After scene enabled, voice and text message reminders can be added directly to the device and provide protection for the user’s home safety.

v3.27.0 Update Notes

Newly add Line push function

The Line push function is newly added, and the alarm messages of the user’s important equipment can be synchronized to the Line, and the message arrival rate is greatly improved through the line push. At the same time, Line push chat message interface is more friendly.

v3.27.0 Update Notes

Feedback and help

If you have any questions or App suggestions, please contact app_qa@tuya.com to give feedback.