v3.28.5 Update Notes

Last Updated on : 2024-06-20 06:55:18download

This topic describes the updates of the Smart Life app v3.28.5. This version of the app was released on July 20, 2021. You can download it in major app stores such as Apple App Store and Google Play.

Updated features

Bluetooth devices support multiple firmware OTA

Bluetooth devices support custom firmware OTA mode, and different firmware of the same product can be managed separately, which is convenient for maintenance and management. Improved the convenience and flexibility of OTA for Bluetooth devices.

v3.28.5 Update Notes

Mesh Dynamic gateway

The dynamic mesh gateway solution effectively solves the problem of router mounting. It can automatically switch according to the usage scenario, effectively avoiding the problem of paralysis of the entire Mesh network caused by the failure of the original gateway.

v3.28.5 Update Notes

Optimized scene service content

Easy-to-understand examples have been added to scene pages such as scene creation page and copywriting has been optimized to help users understand scene functions, to use the device more conveniently and intelligently.

v3.28.5 Update Notes

Feedback and help

If you have any questions or App suggestions, please contact app_qa@tuya.com to give feedback.