v3.26.0 Update Notes

Last Updated on : 2024-06-24 04:04:50download

This topic describes the updates of the Smart Life app v3.26.0. This version of the app was released on March 28, 2021. You can download it in major app stores such as Apple App Store and Google Play.

Updated features

Newly added the close to unlock function of the Bluetooth lock

Combining geo-fencing and iBeacon technology, the lock will be unlocked after the smartphone is close to it, preventing accidental opening inside the door, safe and reliable.

v3.26.0 Update Notes

Optimized the scene recommendation service

The use of brighter colors highlights more relevant device elements, simplifies the steps of adding a recommended scene, improves the visual effects of recommended scenes, and brings a new scene experience.

v3.26.0 Update Notes

Feedback and help

If you have any questions or App suggestions, please contact app_qa@tuya.com to give feedback.