Template v5.10.0 Update Instructions

Last Updated on : 2024-06-25 02:31:27download

This topic describes the updates of the OEM app for Smart Life with v5.10.0. This app version was released on March 12, 2024. You can integrate the updates into your app.

App update

Added device filtering by room

When users create a group, it can take some time to locate the target device for adding, especially if there are numerous devices in their home.
With device filtering by room, users can quickly find the desired device to be grouped.

Template v5.10.0 Update Instructions

Platform update

Updated Google FCM certificate setup

  • Before the update: Manually enter the Sender ID and Server Key, increasing the risk of potential data breaches.

    Template v5.10.0 Update Instructions
  • After the update: Upload the secret key file, making the process safer and more convenient.

    Template v5.10.0 Update Instructions

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