Template v6.2.0 Update Instructions

Last Updated on : 2025-03-04 01:37:10download

This topic describes the updates of the OEM app for Smart Life v6.2.0. This app version was released on February 6, 2025. You can integrate the updates into your app.

App update

Optimized pairing

  • Zigbee sub-device failover

    In case a Zigbee sub-device malfunctions, users can replace the device on the app while synchronizing the previous device and scene information. Remote failover is also available. How-to: On the app, tap a device to enter the device details page and find Device Replacement.

  • Added filter conditions to Thread groups

    Based on the latest filter logic, when a group is being created, Thread devices that can be selected must belong to the same level-2 category and be under a gateway (not necessarily under the same gateway). Devices that do not meet this condition cannot be selected for a group.

  • Pairing failure prompt for Wi-Fi and Bluetooth Low Energy combo devices

    In case a combo device cannot find a Wi-Fi network and pairing fails, a new prompt appears, saying Enter the Wi-Fi network information again, and the feature and button name are updated to Try Again. After users tap the button, a page will appear for users to manually enter the Wi-Fi network information.

Adapted to the Android 15 Operating System

App update

Supported to set up password strength

Set up different security levels for the app login password as needed. After setting, when users register or change their passwords in a newly built app version, the system will require the set passwords to meet the specified password strength.

Security levels include:

  • Low: The password must contain letters and numbers, with 6 to 20 characters.
  • Medium: The password must contain uppercase and lowercase letters, as well as numbers, with 8 to 20 characters.
  • High: The password must contain uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters, with 8 to 20 characters.


  1. Go to the App Creation page and click Configure in the Operation column.

  2. On the 01 Customize UI tab, find Configure App UI and click Custom Home Page.
    Template v6.2.0 Update Instructions

  3. In the left-side navigation bar, choose Page > Login/Register, and select Low, Medium, or High in the section of Set up Password Strength.
    Template v6.2.0 Update Instructions

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