Template v3.16.5 Update Instruction

Last Updated on : 2024-06-25 02:31:29download

Enable to view scene logs

Click “Logs” to view scene logs:

  • View scene logs by time in descending order;
  • Show logs history by default every time the users enter this page;
  • Save scene logs for the last seven days at most;
  • User can edit corresponding scene by tapping into each scene log.

Go to third party map service with one tap

This function enables users to navigate through one click, improving user experience.

Differentiate whether single-protocol Bluetooth devices are linked

Show an icon on the single-protocol Bluetooth device list to distinguish that whether they are linked or not .

App account interface optimization in home setting

To protect user privacy, hide parts of information of the administrator and home creator in the home list (administrators and creators are able to view all member information)

Alarm notification optimization

The Alarm notification will show on the screen while the user is using the App.

Scene services – enable multiple selection for notifications

Click Smart – Add – Send Notification to enter the page :

  • Select Notification Method;
  • Multiple selections are allowed (at least 1, at most 3);
  • If you purchased phone notifications, you can select Message Center and Phone Notification;
  • If you purchased message notifications, you can select Message Center and Message Notification;
  • If you purchased both, you can select all of them;
  • If you haven’t purchased any notifications, you can only select Message Center.
    After settings, you will automatically be sent back to the home page.

SMS Registration Optimization

Based on security and privacy considerations, in the new version (v3.16.5 and above, including v3.16.5), we have removed the mobile phone SMS registration service, but it can still be used normally for old users who have already used mobile phones to register.

Recommending scenes with unpurchased products enables users to go to App Mall for purchasing in one click

  • Based on scene recommendations, we improve the function to allow users to purchase products with one tap;
  • The algorithm will generate purchase recommendation based on user preferences, device status, etc;
  • Support link page to OEM Mall and place order;
  • Users can experience the recommended scenes after they receive the devices and successfully connect them with the App.