Template v3.17.6 Update Instruction

Last Updated on : 2024-08-26 02:20:18download

  • Template: V3.17.6
  • Release date: 2020-5-26

New Features

Supported the additional automation conditions regarding to sunrise and sunset

  • Before, we were only able to set a period of time after sunrise or sunset to trigger an automation, now App added pre-sunrise and pre-sunset time conditions.
    Template v3.17.6 Update Instruction

Alert message added home tag

  • Messages from all homes in the message center are mixed together and it is difficult to visually distinguish which home the message comes from.
  • So App show home information for alert notifications with a consistent format of three types of messages

Supported inviting unregistered users to enter a home by an invitation code

  • Invite unregistered users to join a home via a third-party app by sharing an invitation code. Lower the threshold for first-time use by unregistered users
    Template v3.17.6 Update Instruction