Template v3.27.5 Update Instructions

Last Updated on : 2024-06-25 02:31:28download

This topic introduces the relevant update of the 3.27.5 version of the OEM app. This version of the app was released on May 26, 2021. You can choose to update yourself.

Updated features

Newly add Line push function

The Line push function is newly added, and the alarm messages of the user’s important equipment can be synchronized to the Line, and the message arrival rate is greatly improved through the line push. At the same time, Line push chat message interface is more friendly.

Template v3.27.5 Update Instructions

Message function experience optimization

The App messages of the IoT backend operation section newly support H5 links. The messages will be highlighted in the message center of the App. Users can click on the link to view more content.

Template v3.27.5 Update Instructions

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