Template v3.31.5 Update Instructions

Last Updated on : 2024-06-25 02:31:28download

This topic describes the updates of the OEM app v3.31.5. This app version was released on Sep 24, 2021. You can integrate the updates into your app.

App update instructions

Bluetooth and Bluetooth LE devices one-time pairing

Users only need to pair a device once on the app to realize pairing of Bluetooth and Bluetooth Low Energy (Bluetooth LE) devices, reducing the steps and improving the pairing experience (iOS is not supported for now).

Template v3.31.5 Update Instructions

Groups optimization

Have optimized UI and interaction for Bluetooth mesh group management process, to ensure that all groups UI and interaction are consistent.

Template v3.31.5 Update Instructions

Platform update instructions

Enable Biometric Login for OEM App

Path: App > OEM App > Optional Setting > Third-Party Integration
Introduction: Tuya-powered OEM apps allow biometric login after this service is enabled. This way, users can log in to the apps without entering the account and password.
Documents:Enable Biometric Login

Enable LINE Push Function for OEM App

Path: App> OEM App > Optional Setting > Third-Party Integration
Introduction: Tuya’s OEM apps allow push notifications to be sent based on the LINE Notify service.
After the LINE push service is enabled, customers can go to the Developer Platform to complete the configuration and enable the service.
Documents:Integrate with LINE Notification

Confirm or Modify Mappings Between OEM App Accounts and Data Centers on the Developer Platform.

Path: App > OEM App > Required Setting > Data Center
Introduction: Before getting the app package and launching the app in app stores, you need to confirm the mapping rules. The reasonable configuration of data centers makes your business in line with local laws and regulations.
Documents:Confirm Mappings Between OEM App Accounts and Data Centers

Feedback and help

If you have any questions or App suggestions, please contact app_qa@tuya.com to give feedback.