Template v3.34.5 Update Instructions

Last Updated on : 2024-06-25 02:31:28download

This topic describes the updates of the OEM app v3.34.5. This app version was released on Jan 10, 2022. You can integrate the updates into your app.

App update instructions

Optimize Bluetooth devices experience

Disconnect or reset Bluetooth devices under the scenario of deleting members or leaving home

Platform update instructions

Add Advanced Version of Scene Recommendation

  • Path: Developer Platform > Operation > App Operation > Scene Management
  • Introduction: After enabling the advanced version of scene recommendation, uers can use the functions such as multi trigger conditions to judge, multi execution action combination and one click execution.
  • Reference document: Scene Recommendation Management

Support Custom UI Style

  • Path: Developer Platform > App > App Creation > Customize UI > UI Style
  • Introduction: For the OEM App for Smart Life using templates of v3 33.5 and above, uers can customize the component UI styles of home page, smart, me and login registration page.
  • Reference document: Custom interface UI style

Add Functions such as Lights and Recipes on Bottom Navigation Bar

  • Path: Developer Platform> App > App Creation > Set Functions
  • Introduction: For the OEM App for Smart Life using templates of v3 33.5 and above, after being enabled, users can customize various lighting atmosphere scenes, view recipes when using kitchen electrical equipment and cook automatically. In [Customize UI], users can customize the sorting and icons of four functions, including intelligence, mall, light and recipe

Support Enabling Mobile Phone Number Verification via SMS

App Update Announcement

  • The tab name “Smart" at the bottom of the App panel will be changed to “Scene” while the function keeps the same if user is using the OEM App template v3.34.5 and above. If you want to keep the unified user experience as before, you could modify it via “App” - “Multi-language” - “App Language”. For more details

  • If the customers who have enabled the Voice Control function on the upper right corner of App homepage for the App test, please submit the work order or contact the project manager. Otherwise, the voice control function of the new template cannot work normally.

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