Template v3.28.5 Update Instructions

Last Updated on : 2024-06-25 02:31:28download

This topic describes the updates of the OEM app v3.28.5. This app version was released on June 24, 2021. You can integrate the updates into your app.

Updated features

Optimized device sharing

The device sharing feature supports multiple channels (such as WeChat, Line, and WhatsApp), multiple modes (one-time sharing and multi-time sharing), and multiple validity periods (limited validity and permanent validity) sharing. This enables sharing of devices of different categories in various scenarios.
Template v3.28.5 Update Instructions

Lock cloud storage

Added the lock cloud storage service for video-intercom locks and real-time video locks. Users can store videos and images that are obtained by locks.

Template v3.28.5 Update Instructions

Custom firmware OTA modes for Bluetooth devices

Bluetooth devices support custom firmware OTA modes. Different firmware versions of the same product can be separately managed. This simplifies the maintenance and management of OTA updates for Bluetooth devices.

Template v3.28.5 Update Instructions

Dynamic mesh gateway

The dynamic mesh gateway solution effectively minimizes the routing downtime. The gateway can automatically switch routes to support different scenarios. This avoids paralysis of the entire mesh network due to the failure of the original gateway.

Template v3.28.5 Update Instructions

Optimized content in the scene service

Easy-to-understand examples have been added to the scene pages, such as the scene creation page. Copywriting has been optimized to help users understand scene features and improve the user experience of smart devices.

Template v3.28.5 Update Instructions

Feedback and help

If you have any questions or suggestions, contact us at app_qa@tuya.com.