Template v3.19.0 Update Instruction

Last Updated on : 2024-06-25 02:31:29download

  • Version: V3.19.0
  • Release date: 2020-08-14

Updated Functions

Users can enter device panel (Bluetooth and dual mode) when location access is not enabled

If the device (Bluetooth or Dual mode) is offline, notification will pop up to remind users to enable location permission. Users can directly enter device panel or turn to phone system to enable location access.

Template v3.19.0 Update Instruction

Add the Bluetooth Tracker

If the App is kept in the background or shut down, Bluetooth tracker can use beacon to activate App and locate the phone. As long as the tracker and phone is within communication rage, the tracker can make phone ring no matter App is in the forefront or not.

Template v3.19.0 Update Instruction

Add the guide of registration verification

Guide users to complete registration when they have trouble receiving the verification code.

Template v3.19.0 Update Instruction

Optimization and Repair

Scene Optimization

Optimize smart scene experience which includes the following features:Need users to double-confirm when they give up saving the scene;Save data from scene for the device even it is reset;Change device number to task number.

Template v3.19.0 Update Instruction

Optimize the App interaction for laser robot vacuum

  • Choose an area and the divide line will appear for users to drag and stretch.
  • Add virtual wall and a line will appear for the users to drag and stretch.
  • For each section of the map, users can set up the name, water volume, order, times etc. They can also set up, delete,modify the section icon.

【Add to Home screen】feature optimization

Enable a shortcut to be added to the Home screen for Android system. Users can successfully open the page via the shortcut even with the home switched.

Template v3.19.0 Update Instruction

Optimize the process of sharing gateways and sub-devices

Template v3.19.0 Update Instruction

Optimize the Interaction of Help center

The user can select the corresponding home and room to find the device quickly while reporting a malfunction.