Template v3.33.5 Update Instructions

Last Updated on : 2024-06-25 02:31:28download

This topic describes the updates of the OEM app v3.33.5. This app version was released on Dec 8, 2021. You can integrate the updates into your app.

App update instructions

Self-discovery network configuration process optimization

Self-discovery network configuration, easy operation and high success rate. This upgrade will merge manual network configuration and self-discovery network configuration, to help users easily configure the network.

Template v3.33.5 Update Instructions

ZigBee standard electrician group function optimization

Realize Zigbee standard group function, to support subsequent cross-protocols and improve the experience of Zigbee grouping.

Template v3.33.5 Update Instructions

Optimize the Hub ability

“Add Device” is optimized to “Add Device” and “Create Scene” to increase the conversion rate of creating scenes from the homepage.

Template v3.33.5 Update Instructions

Platform update instructions

OEM App adds the ability to adapt to tablets

Optimize the verification rule of the App download link

  • Path: Developer Platform>App > OEM App > Common Tools > QR Code
  • Introduction: Restrict the download link provided by Tuya, such as http://testapp.tuya.com

App Update Announcement

If the customers who have enabled the Voice Control function on the upper right corner of App homepage for the App test, please submit the work order or contact the project manager. Otherwise, the voice control function of the new template cannot work normally.

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