Template v3.25.2 Update Instructions

Last Updated on : 2024-06-25 02:31:29download

This topic introduces the relevant update of the 3.25.2 version of the OEM app. This version of the app was released on March 25, 2021. You can choose to update yourself.

Updated features

Drastically optimized network pair process

Completely solve users’ first experience problem, even where there is no Wi-Fi or Wi-Fi configuration is unsuccessful, users can control Wi-Fi & Bluetooth devices only through Bluetooth activation.

Template v3.25.2 Update Instructions

Support Beacon protocol

Bluetooth devices have added the Beacon protocol and support the Beacon broadcast solution to meet the needs of some devices that are resources limited, low-cost, and low-security requirements.

Feedback and help

If you have any questions or App suggestions, please contact app_qa@tuya.com to give feedback.