Template v3.32.5 Update Instructions

Last Updated on : 2024-06-25 02:31:28download

This topic describes the updates of the OEM app v3.32.5. This app version was released on Nov 5, 2021. You can integrate the updates into your app.

App update instructions

Online status optimization of gateways and sub-devices

When the gateway and the mobile phone are in the same local area network without external network, ensure that the user can control the device normally, and the online status of the sub-device is correctly displayed in the App. At the same time, it also supports displaying the IP address of the network where the gateway is currently located.

Template v3.32.5 Update Instructions Template v3.32.5 Update Instructions

Bluetooth device supports schedule function

When Bluetooth and dual-mode devices are in Bluetooth connection, users can use the schedule function normally.

Template v3.32.5 Update Instructions

App Update Announcement

If the customers who have enabled the Voice Control function on the upper right corner of App homepage for the App test, please submit the work order or contact the project manager. Otherwise, the voice control function of the new template cannot work normally.

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